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Сайт официального представителя цементных заводов в Украине "PROLISOK"
Сайт каталог с дизайном «Имиджевый» был разработан для официального представителя в Украине производителей цемента – цементных заводов - «Prolisok». Фирменный заводской цемент от производителя – сайт официального представителя цементных заводов в Украине "PROLISOK". Обращайтесь по адресу: Украина, г. Днепропетровск, ул. Янгеля, 40. Продажа цемента от производителя в Украине и Днепропетровской области следующих марок:
Сайт OOO "Валента-Днепр" Производство кожгалантереи
Сайт каталог с дизайном «Имиджевый» был разработан для производителя кожгалантереи в Украине ООО «Валента-Днепр».
Website auto service station "Garage"
Online business card design "standard" was developed to station "Garage". Service Station is located at Str. Zabolotnogo 15.
Station "Garage" specializes in the maintenance, diagnosis and repair of automobiles, as well as the installation of LPG equipment on your car.
Website ceilings Grilyato
Online business card design "standard" was developed for distribution company Grilyato ceilings. The company is implementing Grilyato ceilings throughout Ukraine.
Suspended grid ceilings Grilyato aluminum are widely used in industrial facilities, as well as for interior decoration of residential and office buildings, medical and recreational facilities, administrative, commercial and sports complexes, etc.
Website store toys "Kesha"
Website-showcase design "premium" has been designed for store children's toys "Kesha". The store is located at: Pridneprovsk str. 20 Years of Victory, 43D, TC "SPAR".
Children - is the happiness of each person. Let your child and so was happy in his childhood - give him a toy. P.S. Toy does not happen much.
Website French tension ceilings
Corporate website design "standard" was developed for the company Luxe-Ceiling - a specialist in French stretch ceiling. Get advice, ordered suspended ceiling you can, while in Dnepropetrovsk, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Novomoskovsk and surrounding areas.
Stretch ceilings - a popular form of modern ceilings, it is practical, beautiful and safe.
Website private Orthodox Museum
Website design "premium" has been developed for the true connoisseur of the spiritual heritage of the Orthodox faith, which modestly calls himself a "novice collector." The site is implemented by the type of the private museum with a collection of Orthodox antiques XVII-XX centuries, icons, crosses, books, etc.
Website facade works
Online business card design "standard" was developed for the construction company that specializes in foam insulation facades. Activities weatherization of homes the company is in the territory of Dnepropetrovsk and Poltava regions.
Facade insulation foam - one of the most popular today isolation techniques your home from the effects of the environment. Outside house insulation can simultaneously strengthen the walls, insulate homes, decorate the facade and with all this to save.
Website products made of marble
Online business card design "standard" was developed for the company ONYX - a specialist in marble. ONYX company produces from natural materials - marble and granite products of any complexity: portals, fireplaces, columns and arches, stairs, floors, countertops and tables, swimming pools, etc. Marble articles available for you in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk region, or any other cities of Ukraine.
Marble - it's beautiful , practical and durable. Marble enrich your home comfort and elegance, keeping it all for many, many years of happy life.
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